Lienne Lamplighter
she/her | Half-Elezen | DRK | Faerie
character art by @kxyoph | background shot by @AestMirra

Name: Lienne Lamplighter
Pronouns: she/her
Race: Half-Elezen
Nameday: She doesn’t know it, so she celebrates on the first of the year, if at all. She enjoys the cover that Heavensturn provides—she’s not the center of attention.
Age: 26 (ish? she’s not sure) as of ARR
Patron Deity: Menphina, the Lover
Birthplace: Ul'dah
Residence: Gridania/Ishgard
Jobs: PGL > MCH > RDM > DRK
Soft-spoken and hard-headed, Lienne often comes off as gruff or stoic, but her impassivity hides a deep emotionality—all but invisible to most but plain to those who know her well. She actually blushes a lot (her complexion hides it unless you know to look), and she is quick with a mischievous smirk or a warm smile around those she trusts. But even still, she is typically very taciturn, often speaking only in sparse, single-word phrases, and only when absolutely necessary. This changes a little over the course of the narrative, and by ShB she’s very open towards her newfound family—though her primary method of communication is still that knowing smirk.She is fiercely protective of those she cares about, and has a habit of taking strays under her wing—despite her best attempts not to. She’s like L’nour in that way. She tries to act aloof and disinterested, but falls in love very easily.
Secondary Characters
L'nour: Lienne's unofficial guardian. A Roegadyn woman adopted and raised by Miqo'te parents. De-facto leader of the Daughters of Pearl, a coalition of the unhoused living in the shadows of Pearl Lane. Together they work to care for the many abandoned children in the city and aid any other unlucky souls swept away in Ul’dah’s economic tempest. She was in her twilight years when she took Lienne in, and died shortly after Lienne turned 17.Evelyn Westerlie: Lienne's first heartbreak. A Hyur princess of one of the noble families of Ul'dah.Cassian Lamplighter: Lienne's Half-Miqo'te half-brother, younger by about three years. He grew up in Kugane, raised by his grandmother, a retired actress with high expectations and a stern, cold demeanor. He never knew his mother, but her journals were returned to the family when she died in service to the Garlean Empire. He carries them with him wherever he goes. Unlike Lienne, Cassian knew their father, a Hyur “merchant” (con artist)—they met once, at his mother’s funeral. He never felt comfortable using either of his family names, and eventually adopted Lienne's chosen surname. After meeting Lienne for the first time when she arrived in Kugane, he wormed his way into accompanying her on her journey (stowing away on their ship to the Ruby Sea), and tagged along for the events of Stormblood. After the revolution, he stuck around in Ala Mhigo to assist in the creation of new trade and supply lines.
Friends' WoLs :)
Andromeda Elo
government assigned foil
Utushama Perezia
funney lizard man
I. Prelude
If the streets of Ul'Dah have but one talent, it's producing strays. Like germs, they multiply, emerging daily in hordes as if oozing from between cracks in the cobblestone. They scamper like rats if approached unbidden; burst from sidestreets unseen; gather in dark corners, like dust, or mold. To the fine, upstanding citizens who live their lives in the light of the sun, these lost children trading in secrets and scraped knees are a menace and a plague but most of all a mystery. If they have caretakers, they’re nowhere near. If they have names, they aren’t like to share them. But the ignorance of the wealthy has little bearing on the lives lived beneath their feet.The girl’s name was Lienne, and only the gods know why. The ones who had gifted her this name were either dead or imprisoned or else inaccessible and disinterested in any number of ways, and the thought of them scarce crossed her mind—what reason had she to grasp for some dream of a provincial family life? What reason had she to mourn for that which she did not need? Jejune daydreams or no, her life was hers, and she would let no one tell her how she ought to live it—try as they might.So little wonder that when the Echo came calling for her, she shut it out. What use had she for magic powers beyond her understanding? More pressingly, what reason had she to save a world that cared not for her? Her world was small and comfortable; she had no interest in broadening her horizons. She could hear, feel, think all she needed right here.But Hydaelyn is nothing if not persistent.